Military Service Discrimination
If your military or veteran status is hindering your employment opportunities or has resulted in unfair treatment like denial of promotion or wrongful termination, you are entitled to legal protection. Castronovo & McKinney, LLC has a proven record of securing substantial settlements and awards for individuals who have faced workplace discrimination. Contact us for a consultation to determine the viability of your military discrimination claim. We advocate for your rights.
Identifying Military Discrimination: A Guide
Military discrimination can be challenging to identify. However, key indicators include:
- Differential Treatment: Being treated differently from colleagues with similar qualifications and experience solely because of your military or veteran status.
- Unequal Opportunities: Receiving lower pay or fewer advancement opportunities compared to peers in similar roles.
- Disparate Job Duties: Having significantly different job responsibilities compared to others in similar positions.
- Unjust Job Decisions: Being overlooked for job opportunities or promotions despite being qualified.
- Harassment: Enduring offensive comments or harassment due to your military or veteran status.
- Benefit Denial: Being denied benefits or perks available to other employees based on your military background.
Changes in treatment after disclosing your military history or upcoming tour of duty can also signal discrimination. Military discrimination claims are complex, especially when dealing with a company’s legal team or uninformed HR department. Employers may attempt to minimize your concerns or dissuade you from filing a complaint. Having the support and expertise of employee rights lawyers can make a significant difference.
At Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, we offer complimentary consultations to help you evaluate your claim and enhance your prospects for legal success.
What to Do If You’ve Experienced Military or Veteran Status Discrimination
If you face discrimination, harassment, or retaliation due to your military or veteran status, take these steps:
- Maintain Composure: Remain calm and avoid reacting impulsively. Avoid negative social media posts or confrontational behavior.
- Document Incidents: Keep a detailed written record of any discriminatory incidents, including dates, times, locations, individuals involved, and witnesses. Maintain this record in a private notebook.
- Report Discrimination: Inform your company’s human resources department about the discriminatory treatment. Use specific language to highlight the basis of the discrimination, and follow established reporting procedures. Poor responses from your employer may also provide grounds for a retaliation claim.
- Seek Legal Assistance: Contact an employee rights lawyer to assess your situation and determine if you have a legal claim. An attorney can provide guidance and improve your chances of a favorable outcome.
The military discrimination lawyers at Castronovo & McKinney, LLC specialize in helping workers recover lost wages, emotional distress damages, and other losses from workplace discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.
Castronovo & McKinney, LLC: Your Trusted Allies Against Military Discrimination
Victims of military discrimination often remain silent out of fear that their experiences won’t be believed or taken seriously. Discussing your situation with someone who understands the terminology and challenges can make all the difference.
At Castronovo & McKinney, LLC, our military discrimination attorneys are dedicated to ensuring your voice is heard. If you face workplace discrimination, we’ll evaluate your situation and determine the viability of your claim. With our support, you can bolster your chances of achieving legal success.