new jersey employment law firm department of labor audit

Have you received a notice from the New Jersey Department of Labor informing you that they will audit your company?

The New Jersey Department of Labor and United State Department of Labor will commonly perform audits of employers in order to determine whether employees are being provided with the necessary and required workers compensation insurance, overtime pay, minimum wage and other compensation. It is important that you prepare as much as possible for the Department of Labor audit so that you can address all of their questions and provide them with the necessary information so that there are no future audits or any penalties assessed against you or your company.

In order to properly prepare for a NJ Department of Labor Audit, we highly recommend that you retain a NJ employment attorney to assist you with the preparation of the necessary materials and other information in order to provide to the Department of Labor. We will prepare a short and concise statement regarding the allegations that were made, demonstrate that the allegations are false or show everything that has been done by the company to address the alleged violations.

We will also provide the Department of Labor with an analysis of the various regulations and how the company has complied with the laws and regulations. In the event that things have been overlooked by the company, we can create a plan in order to become compliant with the New Jersey Department of Labor rules and regulations.

Our New Jersey Department of Labor audit attorneys will meet with you and your company to discuss the issues that have been raised by the Department of Labor. Oftentimes a Department of Labor on it begins with an employee complaining regarding the workplace and the conditions. From this complaint the Department of Labor will audit all of the employees to see if it is an isolated incident or whether there is a bigger issue with the employer that must be addressed. We will review all of the payroll records, policies, interview employees, provide certifications, etc. This will allow us to demonstrate to the Department of Labor that the allegations made by this former employee are not accurate  and that it is not something that has occurred with any other employees.

Please contact us to discuss your company’s situation in more detail so that we can assist you with your New Jersey Department of Labor. You can contact our New Jersey Department of Labor audit attorneys at Castronovo & McKinney at 973-920-7888 for more assistance.

Castronovo & McKinney, LLC helps clients with department of labor audits throughout New Jersey including Bergen County, Essex County, Middlesex County, and Morris County as well as the cities Hackensack, Newark, New Brunswick, and Morristown.