NJ Breastfeeding Law requires employers to provide reasonable breaks for mothers that are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding in New Jersey is protected up to one year after the birth of the child. NJ Breastfeeding Law requires that the employer compensate breastfeeding employees during the break time in the event that other employees are compensated for their breaks. New Jersey employers are required to provide a place for mothers to express milk while in the workplace. NJ Breastfeeding Law prohibits the employer from requiring the mother to breastfeed in a bathroom. The law requires that the company provide a room with a door which locks, a chair to sit in and the ability to refrigerate and store the milk. The NJ Breastfeeding Law is set forth in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
If you have any questions regarding NJ Breastfeeding Law, please call our NJ Employment Lawyers.