Our NJ custody attorneys will provide you with a complete explanation of your rights to visitation and custody of your children.
The Court may award you either physical or legal custody of your children. Our NJ custody attorneys are here to answer questions and concerns and keep you up to date with your case. Physical custody allows you to have the right to control the daily activities of your children and to care for them. Legal custody permits you to make decisions regarding substantive issues in your children’s lives. The Court can award both sole or joint custody for each category.
The Court can determine the amount of visitation for each spouse. However, the parties can also agree on their own to the amount of visitation rights.
We can assist you in fighting to obtain sole custody of your children, defending against a spouse seeking sole custody, or work to arrange for joint custody between your and your spouse or before the court. We focus on you and your family’s needs and walk you through the process to give you peace of mind.
Please call our NJ custody attorneys today at 973-920-7888 for a free consultation regarding your child custody issue.