Our NJ Divorce Lawyers can represent you in any divorce proceeding throughout the State. It is important that you select the right attorney to represent you in your divorce. It is a lengthy relationship and you should be comfortable with the team you are working with in your divorce.
A divorce in New Jersey is the termination of marriage that is recognized by the state. The divorce will result in your marital assets (income, property, investments, salary, etc.) being divided either based on your agreement or as ordered by the court. If you have children, the divorce will also determine how the support and custody of your children will be determined.
Our lawyers can assist you in filing for a divorce, filing for a legal separation, dissolving your marriage, determining child support and child custody issues, advise you of your tax obligation as a result of a divorce, and assist you in any out-of-state divorce proceedings.
We can also assist you and your spouse with an uncontested divorce and work out the details to file a petition with the Court.
Call us today for help with your NJ divorce and for a free consultation at 973-920-7888 or fill out our free case evaluation form for immediate help.