Our NJ harassment lawyers can help you obtain a restraining order to protect your safety from a current or former spouse, family member, friend or other person who is harassing you.

A restraining order is issued by the Court based on a showing that either you or your family requires protection from the Court to prevent an individual from being within a certain proximity of you or a family member or from having any contact (email, phone, letter, etc.) with you or your family.  Typically restraining orders are limited to former spouses, family members, an individual that you have a child in common with or are expecting a child with if pregnant, or a person that you have been either seeing or dating.  Our NJ harassment lawyers may be able to obtain a restraining order for any other individuals if we can demonstrate that they pose a serious threat to you or your family.

If you are in immediate need of protection, you should contact 911 and inform the police that you believe someone is about to harm you or poses a threat to you or your family.  There are two different types of restraining orders.  First, we would move for a temporary restraining order to prevent any contact while the order is pending before the Court.  Second, after a hearing where both sides will be permitted to explain whether a restraining order is necessary, we will move for a final restraining order.

We will take all steps within our power to help you feel safe from any mental or physical abuse. Our attorneys also represent individuals who have had a restraining orders filed against them. If someone has filed for a restraining order against you, we will discuss the situation with you and, if appropriate, defend against the restraining order in Court.

Please contact our NJ harassment lawyers if you require a restraining order and need to defend against a restraining order that should not have been filed. We provide free consultations. We can be reached at 973-920-7888 or by filling our our free case evaluation form.