Our NJ prenuptial agreement lawyers can assist you in drafting, reviewing and negotiating your New Jersey prenuptial agreement.

A prenuptial agreement is entered into prior to your marriage and provides a detailed explanation of how the assets and property will be divided between you and your spouse in the event that you divorce. Prenuptial agreements are also commonly referred to as premarital agreements or in other jurisdictions postnuptial agreements.  The main goal of a prenuptial agreement is for each individual in the marriage to set forth the ownership of various property (land, money and other assets) and support for the spouse in the event that a divorce occurs.

Many individuals create prenuptial agreements based on forms that they find on the internet.  This is an extremely risky approach because you don’t know whether the form is valid under the family laws in New Jersey or who drafted the prenuptial agreement.  It may be valid in another state, but not in New Jersey.  It is highly recommended that you speak with a New Jersey Family Lawyer so that the proper prenuptial agreement can be prepared for you.  This is not a very time consuming matter and the legal fees associated with creating an enforceable prenuptial agreement are small in comparison to the amount of money that you will save in the event of a divorce.  A properly drafted prenuptial agreement will expedite the divorce process and save you a significant amount of time and fees.

If you are interested in exploring your options regarding a prenuptial agreement or premarital agreement in New Jersey, please contact our NJ prenuptial agreement lawyers for a free consultation.  Also, if you have previously entered into a prenuptial agreement and would like to have it reviewed by our attorneys to determine whether it will be enforceable, call us at 973-920-7888 or fill out our confidential case evaluation form.